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Wil jij de Oceaan over roeien

Algemeen - 01 april 2023 - 17:14 - Door Marnix Tijhuis

Lees dan dit bericht

Dear members of Proteus Eretes, We are looking for a teammate to row across the Atlantic Ocean with us! We are participating in the 2023 World’s Toughest Row, a 4800 km rowing race across the Atlantic. We want to draw attention to two charities: Reef Support and MIND Us. As crazy as it sounds, we have been preparing for this challenge for about two years now. Our former teammate could not continue with us due to personal circumstances. This means that there is an opportunity for an enthusiastic person to take part in this adventure of a lifetime. The race is entirely non-profit and rowing experience is preferred. We will also have to pass mandatory navigation/rowing courses to participate in the event. Please see the attachment with this message for more information. If you are interested, we’d love to hear from you! Mobile: +31 6 21 32 89 14Email: [email protected]